Services For Employers
We CAN Work With You!
Looking to hire new employees? Our job developers can help you find the right people for the job. We Can Work With You! Our services are funded by the government and offered at no cost.
This Employment Ontario Canada-Ontario Job Grant program is funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario

Employer Resources & Services
Job Postings
Looking to hire new employees? Our job developers can help by posting your available positions on our website, social media and the job board in the Resource and Information Centre.
Watton Employment Services inc. is managed by Muskoka-Kawarthas Employment Services and funded in part by the Government of Canada and the Government of Ontario
Job Matching & Placement Incentives
When registering clients and employers in our database, we are able to quickly identify clients whose skills, experience and interests match your job posting. In some cases, financial incentives are available to employers and clients who meet eligibility requirements.
Canada-Ontario Job Grants
The Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides an opportunity for employers to invest in training for their workforce, with financial help from the government. Click here to learn more and to access the online application.
Apprenticeship Hiring Incentives
A number of financial incentives are available through the provincial and federal government for journey-persons who hire apprentices. Click here to Hire An Apprentice.
Recruiting Services
If you have a position to fill, we can help by matching job seekers in our database to the skills you need. Plus there are no placement fees!
Job Fairs
We host many job fairs in our community and encourage employers to join us. We will organize, market and provide space for the event; all free of cost!
Downsizing & Layoffs
Contact us today to find out about programs that can benefit both employers and employees who are dealing with downsizing and layoffs.
Submit A Job Posting
We invite you to Submit A Job Posting today so we can start finding candidates for the positions you need filled!
Helpful Employer Resources & Links
Links Open In A New Tab / Window
- Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development
- Federal labour standards -
- Posters required in the workplace |
- What Businesses Need to Know | Ministry of Labour (
- Health & Safety (Ontario Ministry of Labour)
- Accessibility in Ontario |
- Ontario Human Rights Commission
- Labour Market Information – Northumberland
- Workforce Development Board
- Start or Expand Your Business in Northumberland
- Venture 13 - Resources for Entrepreneurs
- Cobourg Business Directory
- Canada Summer Jobs Incentives
- National Occupational Classification Codes
- Business Registry Online
- Hire an apprentice |
- Canada-Ontario Job Grant (
- Employer – MK Employment Hub | Muskoka-Kawarthas SSM (
Are you unemployed, under-employed or do you have barriers preventing you from employment? Has your place of employment recently down-sized or closed?
Looking to hire new employees? Our job developers can help you find the right people for the job. We Can Work With You! Our services are funded by the government and offered at no cost.